Remember your bird watching binoculars. Here there are several areas where you can see many different species of birds.
See a map of the area here.
Filsø is a 2308 ha nature area located between the Wadden Sea and Ringkøbing Fjord. The area is on the migration route for hundreds of thousands of birds and has become an important resting place for geese, ducks, swans and herons. Several bird islands have also been created here, which attract numerous breeding birds.
See a map of the area here.
In the southern part of Ringkøbing Fjord lies Tipperne. The area consists of flat meadows, open landscapes and is only a few hundred years old. At Tipperne, the fjord is shallower, and a rich plant life is therefore created with many benthic animals, which benefits both the many birds and fish. The area is one of the most important for breeding meadow birds and resting migratory birds in Europe. Some of the birds that breed on Tipperne are on the Danish red list of threatened or vulnerable species. There are therefore also special rules when you visit Tipperne, you can read more about them here.
Skjern Enge
See a map of the area here.
The meadow areas at Skjern are also particularly important as a resting and foraging area for thousands of birds. In particular, swimming ducks such as teal duck, wigeon duck, mallard duck and goldeneye duck are seen in the area.