Kaj Munks Præstegård

Day trips

Photo: Levende Historie

Are you planning a day trip? On this page you can find inspiration and get ideas for what an exciting day trip for the whole family can offer.

Below you will find a list of inspiration, and by clicking on "map", it is easy to get an overview of which activities there is close to you.

Iskunsten - Ice Art
Photo: VisitNordvestkysten, Lemvig

Iskunsten - Ice Art

Iskunsten - Ice Art - in Thyborøn shows a unique exhibition of fantastic ice sculptures, which come to life from the play created between the ice and the clear light.

The exhibitions change during th...


Fisheries and Maritime Museum - Denmark's museum of the Sea

Denmark's museum for life in, with and on the sea. Discover oceans of stories about life on and under the sea.


HEART - Herning Museum of Contemporary Art

HEART - Herning Museum of Contemporary Art has come as a borderland between art and profession and is driven forward by the country known shirt manufacturer Aage Damgaard, who has made the foundation ...

Blå Kors thrift shop Esbjerg
Photo: Blå Kors Genbrug

Blå Kors thrift shop Esbjerg

At Blå Kors thrift shop in Esbjerg has a large selection of recycled items for the whole family. The store is around 1,000 m2 and there is ample opportunity to go on a treasure hunt for good finds at ...

Ivans Lystfiskeri - M/S Nemo
Photo: Ivans Lystfiskeri

Ivans Lystfiskeri - M/S Nemo

Sea fishing and deep-sea fishing on M/S Nemo is big-game hunting on the North Sea! The Yellow Reef and the Norwegian Rende, good food and 'hyggelig' company make sea fishing a total experience. Ivans ...


Wadden Sea Centre - The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage

The Wadden Sea -The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage. The Migratory Birds Wadden Sea.

Strandingsmuseum St. George
Photo: VisitNordvestkysten, Holstebro

Strandingsmuseum St. George

In 2019, Strandingsmuseum St. George received the European Museum Award "The Silletto Prize" for its strong local anchoring and dissemination in a captivating way.

Museet Ribes Vikinger
Photo: Museet Ribes Vikinger

Museet Ribes Vikinger

What were the origins of Ribe and how did the town’s inhabitants live when Ribe was a major European trading centre?

HEX! Museum of Witch Hunt in Ribe
Photo: Gitte Lindeborg

HEX! Museum of Witch Hunt in Ribe

Ribe was the home of Denmark's most famous witch Maren Spliids. That is why the museum about witch hunts in Denmark and Europe is of course located here.

Ribe Cathedral Museum
Photo: Ribe Domkirke

Ribe Cathedral Museum

Just 44 steps up the tower staircase in Ribe Cathedral, you can find the Cathedral Museum, which presents the architectural history of the Cathedral and tells the story about the religious life in Den...

Jacob A. Riis Museum in Ribe
Photo: Sydvestjyske Museer

Jacob A. Riis Museum in Ribe

Jacob A. Riis Museum tells the fascinating tale of the boy from Ribe who emigrated to America in 1870. President Roosevelt of the United States called him the most helpful citizen in New York.

Esbjerg Museum - the city's history from 1900-1950
Photo: Red Star

Esbjerg Museum - the city's history from 1900-1950

Three exciting exhibitions - Step back in time to experience Esbjerg as the city looked between 1900 and 1950. Learn about the local resistance movement during the German occupation. Explore the fasci...

Nørre Vosborg Manor
Photo: Herregården Nørre Vosborg

Nørre Vosborg Manor

Nørre Vosborg is a unique manor house with a history of 700 years. With this quote,

Hans Edward Nørregaard-Nielsen has pinpointed the special atmosphere of Nørre Vosborg:

“Nørre Vosborg is the place w...

Open Air Museum Hjerl Hede
Photo: VisitNordvestkysten, Holstebro

Open Air Museum Hjerl Hede

A time travel for the whole family with plenty of experiences. Always free admission for under 18s. Dogs on a leash are welcome.

Jyllands Park Zoo
Photo: Jyllands Park Zoo

Jyllands Park Zoo

Probably visit Denmark's friendliest Zoo, and get really close to exciting animals. Jyllands Park Zoo is close to Herning, and you are guaranteed a fantastic day full of good experiences for the whole...

Baboon City
Photo: VisitHerning

Baboon City

Take the whole family for a fun day at Baboon City, Denmark’s biggest all-year amusement park. 

Green ExperienceGIVSKUD ZOO
Photo: Givskud ZOO


Experience a safari tour of GIVSKUD ZOO – ZOOTOPIA in your own car with full view. Explore the zoo on foot and meet gorillas, elephants and wolves, and end the day with a visit to one of the large pla...

Labyrinthia - Fun, Play and Learning
Photo: Labyrinthia

Labyrinthia - Fun, Play and Learning

Labyrinthia is a fun, enjoyable and challenging attraction for children, adults and seniors, where you can exercise both your brain and legs. They are specialized in having various types of mazes and ...

Loch Nees Football Golf
Photo: Loch Nees Fodboldgolf

Loch Nees Football Golf

Loch Nees Football Golf offers exciting and challenging football golf in the beautiful West Jutland nature. It is also possible to play, beach volleyball, 7-a-side football and petanque.
